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The Metabolic Syndrome at the Beginning of the XXI Century

The Metabolic Syndrome at the Beginning of the XXI Century

Jose A. Gutiérrez Fuentes | Manuel Serrano Ríos


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Book Details


  • El síndrome metabólico es uno de los retos más intrigantes y fascinantes de la medicina contemporánea. Se trata de una patología en la que confluyen problemas de distintas áreas de la medicina: diferentes grados de hipertensión, acumulación de grasa, insulinoresistencia, estados protrombótico y proinflamatorio, todos juntos en la misma persona. Esta concurrencia de factores hace que la persona tenga un riesgo mucho mayor de sufrir enfermedad cardiovascular o diabetes mellitus tipo 2, que lo que la suma de los factores individuales supondría.
  • Se trata de una "enfermedad" nueva, que ha llegado a ser un problema de salud pública muy importante en las sociedades desarrolladas y cuya rápida extensión se debe fundamentalmente a la adopción del estilo de vida occidental: fundamentalmente, muy poca actividad física e ingesta excesiva de alimentos.
  • Esta obra trata el concepto del Síndrome metabólico en su más amplio sentido y da respuesta a la multitud de incógnitas que todavía presenta esta patología. Con un enfoque multidisciplinar y un equipo de colaboradores internacionales (España, Italia, Japón, Alemania, Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, Finlandia, Australia, etc.) de primer nivel en las distintas áreas, escrita íntegramente en inglés, revisa todos los aspectos relacionados con el Síndrome metabólico, desde el punto de vista de la fisiopatología molecular y la epidemiología genética: obesidad, insulinoresistencia, dislipidemias, hipertensión, enfermedad cardiovascular y otros nuevos como inflamación molecular, estado protrombótico, disfunción endotelial...
  • Todos los capítulos presentan un abstract, en inglés y castellano, al inicio de cada capítulo con los puntos fundamentales que se van a desarrollar en ese capítulo.
  • Esta obra trata el concepto del síndrome metabólico en su más amplio sentido y da respuesta a la multitud de incógnitas que todavía presenta esta patología.
  • Se trata de una "enfermedad" nueva, que ha llegado a ser un problema de salud pública muy importante en las sociedades desarrolladas y cuya rápida extensión se debe fundamentalmente a la adopción del estilo de vida occidental.
  • Todos los capítulos presentan un abstract, en inglés y castellano, al inicio de cada capítulo, con los puntos fundamentales que se van a desarrollar en ese capítulo.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Copyright Page ii
List of Authors iii
Introduction 1
Capítulo 1. Origin and Development of the Metabolic Syndrome 5
Summary 6
Resumen 6
Introduction 6
Historical development of the Metabolic Syndrome concept 7
Pathophysiological issues 8
ATP III Diagnostic criteria 10
Main research challenges 11
References 12
Capítulo 2. Intracellular Signaling Mechanisms Involved in Insulin Action 15
Summary 16
Resumen 16
Overview of insulin action 16
GLUT4 glucose transporters 17
Insulin stimulates GLUT4 trafficking 20
Insulin signaling pathways 22
Insulin mimetics 31
Acknowledgments 33
References 33
Capítulo 3. Cellular Models for the Study of Type 2 Diabetes 43
Summary 44
Resumen 44
Introduction 44
Uncoupling insulin signaling cascade: insulin resistance is tissue specific 45
Genetic cellular models for the study of insulin resistance and sensitivity 46
Models of insulin resistance associated with obesity 53
Acknowledgments 59
References 59
Capítulo 4. Transgenic Animal Models and the Metabolic Syndrome 67
Summary 68
Resumen 68
Introduction 68
Alterations of white and brown adipose tissue function and the Metabolic Syndrome 69
A primary alteration in liver may lead to whole-body metabolic alterations 73
Skeletal muscle alterations in the Metabolic Syndrome 75
Conclusion 77
Acknowledgments 77
References 77
Capítulo 5. Aging and the Metabolic Syndrome 83
Summary 84
Resumen 84
Introduction: Biology of aging and aspects related to Metabolic Syndrome 85
Relationship of Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) and specific manifestations with age 87
Insulin resistance due or related to aging? 90
Interactive conclusions for Metabolic Syndrome and aging 92
References 95
Capítulo 6. Gene/Environment Interaction: Thrifty Genotype Versus Thrifty Phenotype 101
Summary 102
Resumen 102
The thrifty genotype hypothesis 102
The thrifty phenotype hypothesis 103
Alternative hypotheses 103
Diet in an evolutionary perspective 103
A synthesis of theories 104
Interaction between fetal programming and lifestyle 104
Lessons from Asia 104
Loss of physiological flexibility of metabolism 105
Nutrition, reproduction and longevity 105
Further perspectives based on evolutionary biology 106
The role of caloric restriction and aging 106
Conclusions and future perspectives 107
References 107
Capítulo 7. Epidemiology of the Metabolic Syndrome 109
Summary 110
Resumen 110
Scope of the problem 110
Definitions of the Metabolic Syndrome 111
The Metabolic Syndrome: a controversial concept 111
Who is at risk? 113
Geographical distribution 120
Secular trends 121
Metabolic Syndrome in children and adolescents 121
The future of the Metabolic Syndrome 123
References 123
Capítulo 8. Genetic Susceptibility to the Metabolic Syndrome 133
Summary 134
Resumen 134
Introduction 134
Heritability of the components of the Metabolic Syndrome 135
Thrifty genotype or phenotype 135
Search for genes for the Metabolic Syndrome 136
Candidate genes for the Metabolic Syndrome 137
Genome wide scans 141
Conclusions 142
References 142
Capítulo 9. Genomic of Skeletal Muscle and its Implications in the Metabolic Syndrome 153
Summary 154
Resumen 154
Introduction 154
A “transcriptomic strategy” to find genes for the insulin resistance syndrome 155
A “proteomic strategy” to find genes for the insulin resistance syndrome 158
A mitochondrial hypothesis for the insulin resistance syndrome? 159
Conclusions 159
References 159
Capítulo 10. The Metabolic Syndrome: Obesity and Diet Modulates the Expression of its Genetic Predisposition 163
Summary 164
Resumen 164
Genes and cardiovascular risk 164
The Metabolic Syndrome: components, prevalence and therapies 165
Multiple candidate genes and environmental factors driving the Metabolic Syndrome 166
Modulators of the association between genotypes and phenotypes in the Metabolic Syndrome 169
Conclusions 172
Acknowledgments 172
References 172
Capítulo 11. Pathophysiology of Insulin Action in Humans 179
Summary 180
Resumen 180
Introduction 180
Pathophysiology of insulin-mediated glucose metabolism 182
The role of the adipose tissue in the pathophysiology of insulin action 186
Insulin action is not limited to glucose – FFA metabolism. The pleiotropic action of insulin 188
Insulin action on the b-cell. Another insulin–resistant tissue? 190
A tentative description of integrated pathophysiology of insulin action in man 190
References 191
Capítulo 12. Leptin, Insulin and Blood-Brain Barrier Relations in Obesity 199
Summary 200
Resumen 200
A short overview of the BBB 200
The BBB in dysfunction and disease 201
Transport of feeding-related peptides and proteins across the BBB 203
Leptin and insulin resistance syndromes 207
Conclusions 209
References 209
Capítulo 13. Chronic Inflammatory Hypothesis in the Metabolic Syndrome 217
Summary 218
Resumen 218
Introduction 218
Effector arm of the innate immunity and the Metabolic Syndrome 219
Sensing arm of the innate immunity and the Metabolic Syndrome 223
The hypothesis of inflammation: More than a hypothesis? 226
References 227
Capítulo 14. Metabolic Syndrome and Adipokines 233
Summary 234
Resumen 234
Introduction 235
Identification and structure of adiponectin 235
Insulin resistance and adiponectin 237
Action mechanism of adiponectin 239
Alterations in adiponectin gene are associated with diabetes 241
Cloning of adiponectin receptors 243
Regulation of adiponectin receptors 244
The adiponectin hypothesis 245
Adiponectin and adiponectin receptors as therapeutic targets 245
Acknowledgments 246
References 247
Capítulo 15. Role of PPARs in the Pathogenesis of the Metabolic Syndrome 253
Summary 254
Resumen 254
The Metabolic Syndrome from an adipose tissue perspective 254
PPARs and the Metabolic Syndrome 255
Obesity, the driving factor in the Metabolic Syndrome? 257
Insulin resistance, the common link in the Metabolic Syndrome 259
PPARs and dyslipidemia 262
PPARs in atherosclerosis and inflammation 263
Hypertension 264
Conclusions 265
References 266
Capítulo 16. The Lipotoxicity and Glucotoxicity Hypothesis in the Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes 271
Summary 272
Resumen 272
Introduction 272
Lipotoxicity 272
Consequences of lipid accumulation 274
Insulin secretion 276
Glucotoxicity 276
Conclusions 278
References 279
Capítulo 17. Thermogenesis and the Metabolic Syndrome 283
Summary 284
Resumen 284
Introduction 284
Components of energy expenditure 285
The contribution of reduced thermogenesis to obesity and its metabolic complications 288
Reduced oxidative capacity as a risk factor for the Metabolic Syndrome, and in particular for the development of muscle insulin resistance 291
UCP2 and pancreatic b cell function 291
Thermogenic effects of leptin and insulin and the interrelationship between the two hormones 293
Strategies and targets for intervention 296
References 297
Capítulo 18. Nitric Oxide and Cell Metabolism Dysfunction in the Metabolic Syndrome 305
Summary 306
Resumen 306
Introduction 306
Oxidative metabolism in humans with Metabolic Syndrome 307
Defective oxidative metabolism in visceral fat of patients with Metabolic Syndrome? 307
eNOS–/– mice: a model of Metabolic Syndrome that suggests a novel pathophysiological process 308
Mitochondrial biogenesis 310
Transcriptional control of mitochondrial biogenesis 311
NO as a regulator of mitochondrial functions 312
NO and mitochondrial biogenesis: signaling system sensors of metabolic state of the cell 312
Conclusions 313
Acknowledgments 314
References 314
Capítulo 19. Endothelial Dysfunction in the Metabolic Syndrome 321
Summary 322
Resumen 322
Introduction 322
General model of nitric oxide production 323
The endothelium beyond NO 324
Assessment of endothelial function 325
Mechanistic insight into endothelial dysfunction by risk factors included in the MetS 326
Inflammation 328
Endothelial dysfunction in the MetS 329
The effect of high blood pressure 330
The effect of dyslipidemia 331
The effect of visceral obesity 333
Conclusions 334
References 334
Capítulo 20. Hypertension in the Metabolic Syndrome 339
Summary 340
Resumen 340
A bit of history 340
The place of hypertension in the conflict of MetS definitions 341
Genes vs. environment 341
Pathophysiology 342
The problem of “metabolically correct” antihypertensives 344
References 345
Capítulo 21. Dyslipidemia in the Metabolic Syndrome 347
Summary 348
Resumen 348
The lipid triad 349
Dyslipidemia profile in the Metabolic Syndrome 350
Pathophysiology of metabolism of triglyceride rich lipoproteins (TRLs) 351
Dyslipidemia in the Metabolic Syndrome primarily a postprandial phenomenon? 352
Dyslipidemia and insulin resistance in the Metabolic Syndrome 354
Dyslipidemia and vascular disease in the Metabolic Syndrome 354
References 356
Capítulo 22. Alterations in Thrombosis and Fibrinolysis in the Metabolic Syndrome 359
Summary 360
Resumen 360
Introduction 360
Mechanism of endothelial dysfunction 362
Upregulation of coagulation 364
Vulnerable blood 364
Thrombin as a link between inflammation and coagulation 365
Therapeutic Insights and Concluding Remarks 366
References 366
Capítulo 23. Insulin Resistance and Coronary Heart Disease 369
Summary 370
Resumen 370
Introduction 370
Evaluation of direct and indirect effects of hyperinsulinemia / insulin resistance on the risk of CHD 370
Associations of insulin resistance / hyperinsulinemia with cardiovascular risk factors 371
Hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance and CHD: prospective studies 374
Direct effects of hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance on the risk of CHD 378
Conclusions 379
References 379
Capítulo 24. Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A new entry in the Metabolic Syndrome? 383
Summary 384
Resumen 384
Introduction 384
Link between NAFLD and features of the Metabolic Syndrome 384
Pathomechanism of NAFLD 385
Early screening tools to detect subjects at risk for NAFLD and/or the Metabolic Syndrome 387
Predictors of high liver fat content 388
Conclusions 389
References 389
Capítulo 25. Hyperinsulinism, Insulin Resistance and Fertility 393
Summary 394
Resumen 394
Introduction 394
Insulin and IGF system in the reproductive organs 395
The “HAIR-AN” syndrome 397
Other IR syndromes with hyperandrogenism 398
IR and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) 398
Conclusions 405
References 405
Capítulo 26. Nutritional Treatment in the Metabolic Syndrome 415
Summary 416
Resumen 416
Introduction 417
Role of carbohydrates in insulin resistance 417
Fat and insulin resistance 422
Dietary recommendations for the Metabolic Syndrome 422
Changes in lifestyle vs. drug treatment 426
References 426
Capítulo 27. Drug Treatment in the Metabolic Syndrome 431
Summary 432
Resumen 432
Etiology 432
Environmental factors 433
Pathogenesis 438
Pathogenic pathways and drug targets 445
Current therapeutics 450
Perspective 453
References 454
Capítulo 28. The Metabolic Syndrome: Lifestyle, Drugs, or Both? 463
Summary 464
Resumen 464
Introduction 464
Lifestyle interventions 465
Implementing dietary change to prevent the Metabolic Syndrome 468
Social factors in prevention 469
Physical activity and inactivity 470
Pharmacotherapy: Preventing diabetes and cardiovascular disease 470
Conclusions 471
References 472
Index 475