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Book Details
Long recognized as the standard general reference work providing a complete overview of contemporary gynaecological practice, this new edition of Shaw, Gynaecology provides all the information that trainees need to master in order to successfully take their professional certification exams as well as providingthe practicing gynaecologist with an accessible overview of the "state of play" of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Totally rewritten, it gives a succinct but comprehensive account of all currently available resources in the management of gynaecological disorders.
Comprehensive overview of contemporary gynaecological practice with a clinically focused approach. It covers all of the areas that a gynaecologist covers on a day-to-day basis and helps in the formulation and implementation of the most effective treatment.
Details the use of various imaging modalities and investigative techniques as they relate to specific diseases in order to provide a solid foundation for clinical practice.
User-friendly features such as chapter outlines, summary tables, key point boxes incorporated throughout.Provides quick access to the most necessary information for practitioners needing a quick consult or trainees preparing for exams.
Copiously illustrations clarify and enhance the text whenever appropriate.
Highly selective and current list of references quickly directs the reader to further investigations.
New full colour illustrations incorporated throughout to accurately depict the full range of both common and rare disorders.
Details up-to-date investigative and minimally invasive therapeutic techniques to keep the user abreast of the latest diagnostic and management options.
Enhanced emphasis on surgical outcomes to help the user select the most appropriate procedure for any given patient.
Two brand new editors and many brand new contributors provide a fresh perspectives on gynaecological oncology, reproductive and urogynaecological conditions.