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Anatomy and Human Movement E-Book

Anatomy and Human Movement E-Book

Nigel Palastanga | Roger W. Soames



Over the past 22 years, Anatomy and Human Movement has grown into a classic textbook, helping students to understand and remember the mechanisms which allow movement to take place. Now in its sixth edition, the approach remains the same – each section of the body is presented systematically where readers are introduced to the bones, then guided through the muscles, joints , nervous system and blood supply. Anatomy of the musculoskeletal system is brought to life through simple full colour artwork following a colour key for clarity and accuracy.

  • Detailed account of anatomy
  • Stresses relationship between structure and function
  • Summary Boxes used for quick revision aids or general overviews
  • Over 800 full colour line drawings
  • Over 50 photographs (including radiographs)
  • Stimulates understanding and learning of anatomy and application to human movement
  • Improved and new artwork
  • Radiographs
  • Expansion of joint replacement sections

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Anatomy and Human Movement: Structure and Function iii
Copyright iv
Contents v
Preface to the First Edition vii
Preface to the Sixth Edition ix
Acknowledgements xi
About the Authors xiii
Part 1: Introduction 1
Terminology 1
Terms used in describing movement 2
Nervous system 3
Introduction 3
Cellular structure 4
Interneural connections 4
Myelination 5
Structure of a peripheral nerve 6
The peripheral nervous system 7
Constituents of peripheral nerves 7
Nerve endings 8
Components of the musculoskeletal system 8
Connective tissue 8
Fat 8
Fibrous tissue 8
Skeletal tissue 9
Cartilage 9
Hyaline cartilage 9
White fibrocartilage 9
Yellow fibrocartilage 9
Bone 9
Bone development 10
Intramembranous ossification 10
Endochondral ossification 10
Muscular tissue 12
Skeletal muscle 12
Joints 17
Fibrous joints 17
Suture 17
Gomphosis 17
Syndesmosis 18
Cartilaginous joints 18
Primary cartilaginous 18
Secondary cartilaginous 18
Synovial joints 18
Plane joint 19
Saddle joint 19
Hinge joint 19
Pivot joint 19
Ball and socket joint 19
Condyloid joint 19
Ellipsoid joint 20
Receptors in joints and ligaments 20
Spin, roll and slide 20
Levers 21
Skin and its appendages 22
Introduction 22
Structure 23
Epidermis 23
Dermis 25
Subcutaneous connective tissue 25
Cutaneous sensory receptors 25
Appendages of the skin 26
Nails 26
Hairs 27
Glands 27
Sebaceous glands 27
Sweat glands 27
Mammary gland (breast) 28
Blood supply and lymphatic drainage of the skin 28
Nerves of the skin 28
Application 28
Early embryology 29
Stages in development 29
Fertilization and cleavage 29
The morula 29
The blastocyst 29
Implantation 29
Development of the yolk sac 29
Prochordal plate 31
The primary germ layers 31
Part 2: The upper limb 35
Introduction 36
Development of the musculoskeletal system 36
Mesodermal somites 36
Development of the limbs 37
Bones 40
The scapula 40
Palpation 41
Ossification 41
The clavicle 41
Palpation 42
Ossification 42
The humerus 42
Palpation 44
Ossification 44
The radius 45
Palpation 45
Ossification 45
The ulna 45
Palpation 48
Ossification 48
The carpus 48
Scaphoid 49
Lunate 49
Triquetral 49
Pisiform 49
Trapezium 49
Trapezoid 49
Capitate 49
Hamate 50
Palpation 50
Part 3: The lower limb 201
Introduction 202
Development of the musculoskeletal system 203
Mesodermal somites 203
Development of the limbs 205
Bones 205
Pelvic girdle 205
Introduction 205
The innominate (hip) bone 207
The ilium 207
The pubis 209
The ischium 209
Acetabulum 210
Obturator foramen 210
Part 4: The trunk and neck 405
Introduction 406
Embryological development of the vertebrae 410
The vertebral column 410
Bones 412
Lumbar vertebrae 412
Thoracic vertebrae 413
Cervical vertebrae 414
The seventh cervical vertebra 415
The axis (C2) 415
The atlas (C1) 416
The vertebral column 416
Ossification of the vertebrae 416
Palpation of the vertebral column 417
The thoracic cage 419
The ribs 419
A typical rib 419
The first rib 419
The 10th rib 421
The 11th rib 421
The 12th rib 421
Costal cartilages 421
Ossification of the ribs 421
The sternum 422
Ossification 422
Palpation 423
Muscles 423
Muscles producing movements of the trunk and thorax 423
Muscles flexing the trunk 424
Rectus abdominis 424
External oblique (obliquus externus abdominis) 425
Internal oblique (obliquus internus abdominis) 425
Psoas minor 426
Muscles extending the trunk 427
Erector spinae 427
Interspinales 428
Muscles rotating the trunk 428
Multifidus 428
Rotatores 428
Semispinalis 428
Muscles laterally flexing the trunk 430
Quadratus lumborum 430
Intertransversarii 430
Muscles raising intra-abdominal pressure 430
Transversus abdominis 430
Cremaster 431
The inguinal canal 432
Muscles of the pelvic floor 433
Levator ani 433
Coccygeus 434
Muscles producing inspiration 434
Diaphragm 434
Intercostal muscles (intercostales) 436
Levatores costorum 437
Serratus posterior superior 437
Muscles producing expiration 437
Transversus thoracis 438
Subcostals 438
Serratus posterior inferior 438
Fasciae of the trunk 438
Superficial fascia 438
Deep fascia 438
Thoracolumbar fascia 439
Simple activities of the trunk 439
A sit-up 439
Bending down to touch toes and straightening up again 439
Sideways bending 440
Increasing and decreasing lumbar lordosis 440
Muscles of the neck 440
Muscles flexing the neck 440
Longus colli 440
Sternomastoid (sternocleidomastoid) 440
Muscles flexing the head and neck 441
Longus capitis 441
Muscles flexing the head on the neck 442
Rectus capitis anterior 442
Muscles laterally flexing the neck 442
Scalenus anterior 442
Scalenus medius 442
Scalenus posterior 442
Splenius cervicis 442
Muscles laterally flexing the head and neck 442
Sternomastoid 443
Splenius capitis 443
Muscles laterally flexing the head on the neck 444
Rectus capitis lateralis 444
Muscles extending the neck 444
Muscles extending the head and neck 444
Muscles extending the head on the neck 444
Rectus capitis posterior major 444
Rectus capitis posterior minor 444
Superior oblique 444
Muscles rotating the neck 444
Muscles rotating the head and neck 444
Muscles rotating the head on the neck 444
Inferior oblique 444
Joints 445
Articulations of the vertebral column 445
Introduction 445
Joints between vertebral bodies 445
Intervertebral discs 445
Ligaments 450
The uncovertebral joints 451
Joints between vertebral arches 452
The zygapophyseal joints 452
Articular surfaces 452
Joint capsule and synovial membrane 453
Accessory ligaments 453
Blood and nerve supply 453
Relations 456
Stability 457
Movements 460
The atlantoaxial articulations 470
The lateral atlantoaxial joints 470
The median atlantoaxial joint 471
The atlanto-occipital joint 472
Articular surfaces 472
Joint capsule and synovial membrane 473
Ligaments/Membranes 473
Movements 473
Biomechanics 476
Joints of the thorax 480
Introduction 480
Costochondral joint 481
Sternal joints 481
Articulations of the ribs and their costal cartilages 482
Costovertebral joints 482
Costotransverse joint 483
Sternocostal joints 483
Interchondral joints 484
Movements of the thoracic cage 484
Nerve supply 486
The cervical plexus 486
Superficial branches 486
Deep branches 488
The spinal cord 489
Introduction 489
Development 490
Spinal cord 490
Spinal nerves 491
Internal structure of the spinal cord 492
The meninges 494
Cerebrospinal fluid 495
Nerve root sheaths 495
Cauda equina 496
Arterial supply 497
The somatic nervous system 498
The autonomic nervous system 500
The parasympathetic nervous system 501
The sympathetic nervous system 503
The cardiovascular system 507
Introduction 507
Development 507
Fetal circulation 507
The heart 508
Surface markings 508
Pericardium 510
Structure 511
Blood supply 511
Chambers of the heart 512
Conducting system 513
The great vessels 514
The respiratory system 514
Introduction 514
Development 515
Upper respiratory tract 515
Nasal cavity 515
Pharynx 515
Larynx 516
Trachea and principal bronchi 517
The lungs and pleura 517
Lungs 517
Pleura 518
Surface markings 519
Bronchopulmonary segments 520
The digestive system 521
Introduction 521
Development 522
Oral cavity 522
Teeth 522
Tongue 524
Palate 525
Pharynx and oesophagus 525
Abdomen and pelvis 525
Stomach 525
Small intestine 526
Large intestine 527
Pancreas 527
Liver and biliary tract 527
Spleen 527
Abdominal regions 527
Palpation 527
Hernias 529
Chewing and swallowing 530
The urogenital system 530
Introduction 530
Development of the urinary system 531
Urinary system 531
The urinary system 532
Kidneys and ureters 532
Bladder 532
Urethra 533
Micturition 535
Development of genital system 535
Descent of the gonads 535
Female reproductive system 535
Ovaries and uterine tubes 536
Uterus 537
Pregnancy 539
Vagina 539
The endocrine system 540
Glands 540
Pituitary gland 540
Thyroid gland 540
Parathyroid glands 541
Adrenal glands 541
Islets of Langerhans 541
Gonads 541
Hypothalamus 541
Thymus 541
Pineal gland 542
Part 5: Head and brain 543
Bones 543
Introduction 543
The skull 544
Growth of the skull 545
The skull viewed anteriorly 545
The skull viewed from the lateral side 545
The skull viewed inferiorly 546
Palpation 548
The mandible 548
Palpation 549
The hyoid bone 549
Ossification 549
Palpation 550
Muscles 550
Muscles which change the shape of the face 550
Movements of the eyebrows 550
Occipitofrontalis 550
Corrugator supercilii 551
Procerus 551
Muscles around the eye 551
Orbicularis oculi 551
Muscles around the nose 552
Muscles around the mouth 552
Orbicularis oris 552
Buccinator 552
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi 552
Levator labii superioris 553
Zygomaticus major and minor 553
Levator anguli oris 553
Depressor anguli oris and depressor labii inferioris 553
Risorius and mentalis 553
Muscles moving the mandible 553
Muscles elevating the mandible 554
Masseter 554
Medial pterygoid 555
Muscles retracting the mandible 555
Temporalis 555
Muscles protracting the mandible 555
Lateral pterygoid 555
Muscles depressing the mandible 556
Digastric 556
Mylohyoid 556
Geniohyoid 556
Platysma 557
Muscles depressing the hyoid bone 557
Sternohyoid 557
Sternothyroid 557
Thyrohyoid 558
Omohyoid 558
Muscles elevating the hyoid bone 558
Stylohyoid 558
Mastication and swallowing (deglutition) 558
Application 559
Joints 559
The temporomandibular joint 559
Introduction 559
Articular surfaces 560
Joint capsule and synovial membrane 561
Ligaments 562
Blood and nerve supply 562
Relations 562
Stability 562
Movements 563
Surface marking and palpation 564
The ear, eye and brain 565
The ear 565
Development 565
Components of the ear 565
External ear 565
Middle ear 566
Internal ear 567
The eye 568
Development 568
The eyeball 568
Outer fibrous layer 568
Middle vascular layer 569
Refracting media 570
Inner nervous layer 571
Movements of the eyeball 571
The brain 572
Introduction 572
Glial cells 573
Development 573
Nomenclature 576
Adult morphology 576
Cranial nerves 581
Nerve root sheaths 584
Internal structure of the brain 584
The meninges 584
Cerebrospinal fluid 585
Venous drainage and dural venous sinuses 589
Index 593