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Fundoscopy Made Easy E-Book

Fundoscopy Made Easy E-Book

Sujoy Ghosh | Andrew Collier | Mohan Varikkara | Stephen J. Palmer


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This is a further volume in the popular Made Easy series that covers the basic principles of fundoscopy necessary for all medical students and a wide variety of junior doctors. It covers all the common conditions likely to be encountered and potentially examined in the MRCP and MRCGP examinations.

  • Covers all common conditions, including all those likely to examined in the MRCP and MRCGP examinations..
  • Illustarted with high quality retinal images.
  • In the well-known and successful Made Easy format.

  • Table of Contents

    Section Title Page Action Price
    Front Cover Cover
    Fundoscopy Made Easy iii
    Copyright Page iv
    Contents v
    Foreword vii
    Preface ix
    Acknowledgments xi
    Digital retinal photography and the images in this book xiii
    Chapter 1: The Basics: Direct and Indirect Ophthalmoscopy\r 1
    Direct ophthalmoscopy 1
    Indirect ophthalmoscopy 6
    Chapter 2: Specialised Imaging Techniques 11
    Fundal fluorescein angiography (FFA) 11
    Indocyanine green (ICG) angiography 15
    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) 18
    Chapter 3: The Normal Fundus and Its Variants 21
    The normal fundus 21
    Normal fundus variants 24
    Artefacts in the normal fundus 28
    Chapter 4: Diabetic Retinopathy 31
    Classification of diabetic retinopathy 31
    Diabetic maculopathy 43
    Laser photocoagulation 47
    Chapter 5: Hypertensive Retinopathy 53
    Management of hypertension 57
    Chapter 6: Papilloedema 59
    Causes of raised intracranial pressure 59
    Chapter 7: Optic Atrophy 61
    Aetiology 61
    Chapter 8: Glaucoma 65
    Chapter 9: Retinal Vascular Occlusions 67
    Retinal venous occlusion 70
    Chapter 10: Fundal Haemorrhages 73
    Vitreous haemorrhage 73
    Subhyaloid haemorrhage 74
    Chapter 11: Age-Related Macular Degeneration 77
    Drusen 77
    Types of ARMD 77
    Chapter 12: Lipaemia Retinalis 81
    Chapter 13: Angioid Streaks 83
    Chapter 14: Retinitis Pigmentosa 85
    Inheritance 85
    Clinical signs 85
    Chapter 15: Choroidal Naevus 89
    Chapter 16: Melanocytoma 91
    Clinical signs 91
    Treatment 91
    Chapter 17: Ocular Inflammation 93
    Choroiditis/chorioretinitis 93
    Cytomegalovirus retinitis 95
    Chapter 18: Roth Spot 97
    Chapter 19: Retinal Detachment 99
    Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment 99
    Exudative retinal detachment 100
    Tractional retinal detachment 100
    Index 103