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Environmental Data Analysis with MatLab

Environmental Data Analysis with MatLab

William Menke | Joshua Menke


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Book Details


Environmental Data Analysis with MatLab is a reference work designed to teach students and researchers the basics of data analysis in the environmental sciences using MatLab, and more specifically how to analyze data sets in carefully chosen, realistic scenarios. Although written in a self-contained way, the text is supplemented with data sets and MatLab scripts that can be used as a data analysis tutorial, available at the author's website:

This book is organized into 12 chapters. After introducing the reader to the basics of data analysis with MatLab, the discussion turns to the power of linear models; quantifying preconceptions; detecting periodicities; patterns suggested by data; detecting correlations among the data; filling in missing data; and determining whether your results are significant. Homework problems help users follow up upon case studies.

This text will appeal to environmental scientists, specialists, researchers, analysts, and undergraduate and graduate students in Environmental Engineering, Environmental Biology and Earth Science courses, who are working to analyze data and communicate results.

  • Well written and outlines a clear learning path for researchers and students
  • Uses real world environmental examples and case studies
  • MatLab software for application in a readily-available software environment
  • Homework problems help user follow up upon case studies with homework that expands them