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Safety and Security Review for the Process Industries

Safety and Security Review for the Process Industries

Dennis P. Nolan


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Safety and Security Review for the Process Industries: Application of HAZOP, PHA, What-IF and SVA Reviews, Third Edition, describes the responsibilities, methods, and documentation required for the performance of qualitative hazard analysis for industrial and commercial processes, specifically Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA), What-If, and Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) reviews. It is a guideline and reference book that explains how the methodology and procedures used for these reviews can be adopted and applied for Security Vulnerability Analysis (SVA) to avoid the major risks that have the potential to severely impact the industry.
Organized into 13 chapters, the book relies mainly on practices commonly observed in the petroleum, chemical, and petrochemical industries. It begins with an overview of PHA, What-If, and HAZOP reviews, including their limitations and advantages. It then moves into a discussion of safety reviews that are increasingly used in the process industries: Bow-Tie Analysis (BTA), Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA), and Safety Integrity Level (SIL). The book looks at review team members, their qualifications and responsibilities, and senior management support and responsibilities for the safety and security of a facility. The reader is also introduced to review procedures and worksheets, review applications, preparation and distribution of the study report, and handling and resolution of recommendations. The book concludes by explaining the estimation of review scheduling and cost.
This book will serve as a reminder to members of PHA, What-If, and HAZOP review teams about their duties and responsibilities.

Helps you to achieve compliance and avoid disasters: Dennis Nolan combines his extensive personal experience with relevant industry examples to provide the checklists and best-practice guidance needed to negotiate the labyrinth of Hazard Analysis and Safety Review procedures.

Keeps your knowledge up-to-date: Coverage of the latest forms of Hazard Analysis and Safety Review, including LOPA and Bowtie

Saves time... and money: Demonstrates how each of the typically required reviews is related, so that information and conclusions used on one may be transferred or adapted for another. Also helps you avoid the fines associated with non-compliance, e.g. fines of up to $25k per day imposed by the Department of Homeland Security in the USA for non-compliance with the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standard (CFATS).