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SQL Clearly Explained

SQL Clearly Explained

Jan L. Harrington


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SQL Explained, Third Edition, provides an in-depth introduction to using SQL (Structured Query Language). Readers will learn not only SQL syntax, but also how SQL works. Understanding the how as well as the what will aid in creating SQL statements that execute as quickly as possible.
The book is organized into five parts. Part I presents the theoretical material underlying relational databases and SQL. Part II covers interactive SQL retrieval. Part III discusses the creation and management of database structure. It also covers non-data elements in the database environment, such as managing users/user accounts and transaction control. Part IV introduces several techniques for SQL programming: embedded SQL (using a high-level host language), dynamic SQL, and triggers/stored procedures. Part V discusses the non-relational extensions that have been added to the SQL standard: XML and object-relational capabilities. It covers object-oriented concepts, including the differences between pure object-oriented databases and object-relational databases. It also looks at SQL's object-relational features.

  • Demonstrates how to formulate SQL queries and how queries are processed to maximize performance of the database management system
  • Explains use of SQL to enter, modify or delete data to maintain database structural elements
  • Covers in great detail new SQL application for XML to meet the growing XML usage in development of online content

"This book functions as a very good tutorial, taking you from the basics through expert topics in a very straightforward manner."--Bill Arledge, Consulting DB2 Product Manager

"SQL Clearly Explained is one of those rare books that delivers 100 percent what its title promises. If you need to use SQL on the job, and who doesn't, then this book should be on your desk."--Craig S. Mullins, DB2 Consultant and IBM Information Champion, Mullins Consulting, Inc.

"This book is of great value to SQL practitioners. It also makes an excellent college-level text."--Rudy Limeback, SQL Consultant,