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IPv6 Socket API Extensions: Programmer's Guide

IPv6 Socket API Extensions: Programmer's Guide

Qing Li | Jinmei Tatuya | Keiichi Shima


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IPv6 Socket API Extensions: Programmer's Guide covers the IPv6 application programming intercfaces (API) extensions and enhancements that have been made to the socket APIs. The book begins with a brief overview of the API specifications along with sample code usage. Then an explanation of the internal kernel implementation that realizes the services offered by the API sets is detailed. Also descriptions of several standard user libraries that have been extended or created to support IPV6 are reviewed. Includes various examples which illustrate how to write portable applications that can run on either IPv4 or IPv6 networks. Succinct treatment of everything you need know to get up and running with IPv6 socket programming in one affordable volume.

  • Provides a detailed introduction to the IETF standards for IPv6 APIs
  • Includes extensive line-by-line code sets with meticulous explanations of their implementation
  • Numerous diagrams and illustrations to aid in fully understanding the socket APIs