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Varieties of Early Experience: Implications for the Development of Declarative Memory in Infancy

Varieties of Early Experience: Implications for the Development of Declarative Memory in Infancy

Patricia J. Bauer


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Volume 38 of the Advances in Child Development and Behavior series is concerned with the development of memory in the first years of life. It covers an introduction to normative development of memory during this period and an introduction of a means of assessing memory in preverbal infants--namely, elicited imitation. Three chapters each concern a special population in which we have reason to believe the development of memory will be affected due to compromised hippocampal development as a result of maternal gestational diabetes, preterm birth, early deprivation resulting from institutional (orphanage) care, and abuse and/or neglect by the caregiver.

  • Goes in depth to address the varieties of Early Experience: Influences on Declarative Memory Development
  • A necessary resource for both psychology researchers and students