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Virus Taxonomy

Virus Taxonomy

Claude M. Fauquet | M.A. Mayo | J. Maniloff | U. Desselberger | L.A. Ball


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Virus Taxonomy is a standard and comprehensive source for the classification of viruses, created by the International Committee of the Taxonomy of Viruses. The book includes eight taxonomic reports of the ICTV and provides comprehensive information on 3 taxonomic orders of viruses, 73 families, 9 subfamilies, 287 genera, and 1938 virus species. The book also features about 429 colored pictures and diagrams for more efficient learning.

The text is divided into four parts, comprised of 16 chapters and presenting the following features:
• Compiled data from numerous international experts about virus taxonomy and nomenclature
• Organized information on over 6000 recognized viruses, illustrated with diagrams of genome organization and virus replication cycle
• Data on the phylogenetic relationships among viruses of the same and different taxa
• Discussion of the qualitative and quantitative relationships of virus sequences

The book is a definitive reference for microbiologists, molecular biologists, research-level virologists, infectious disease specialists, and pharmaceutical researchers working on antiviral agents. Students and novices in taxonomy and nomenclature will also find this text useful.
* The standard official ITCV reference for virus taxonomy and nomenclature, compiling data from 500 international experts
* Covers over 6000 recognized viruses, organized by family with diagrams of genome organization and virus replication cycle
* Provides data on the phylogenic relationships between viruses belonging to the same or different taxa
* Now includes information about the qualitative and quantitative relationships between virus sequences
"...represents an absolute necessity for those dealing with new, so far undiscovered viruses and attempting to classify them within the exsisting taxonomic system."
"...will one day become as dog-eared with frequent use by myself and colleagues as my old Sixth Edition most certainly has become."