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Modern Issues in Perception

Modern Issues in Perception

E.A. Geissler


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Book Details


The book deals with two focal issues:
1. The structural rules according to which information is organized in perception (Part I).
2. The rules on how pieces of information are integrated and transformed into judgements (Part II).
Included in Part I are theories on neural mechanisms and models linking perception and memory. Part II refers to simple physical and complex semantic dimensions. Antecedents in animal behaviour are explored too. The book is intended for a broad readership; it should stimulate research which will link topics that have been traditionally separated.
Features of the book are:
- a synopsis of discrete, structural and quantitative aspects of perception linking perception with higher cognition and memory.
- an overview on new approaches and findings from East and West on perceptual organization and rules inherent to judgement.
- the chapters are strongly interconnected and didactical in tone. Introductions are designed to increase readability of the work.