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The theme of this book is a far reaching one and should attract great interest, both in industrialized as well as in less developed countries. Although the question of climate change and its effects on soil productivity is overshadowed by so many current events, it is almost certain that this subject will remain on the international agenda for the years to come; not only as science and research are concerned but also in relation to development policies, agricultural policies and others, especially since poor, rich, developed and developing countries are equally threatened by these problems.
Though differences on opinion on assumptions, approaches and predictions still exist, these proceedings clearly bring the discussion a great step forward, and it is hoped that they will be of assistance to the soil science community in deciding on concepts for soil-related core programmes of the forthcoming International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme.
Bulletin of the International Society of Soil Science
K. Dalsgaard
This volume is therefore a good introduction for newcomers to the field. At the same time it is also an excellent book for older hands, in that it both summarizes the present state of the art and also points to future research.
Journal of Marine Systems