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Drosophila melanogaster: Practical Uses in Cell and Molecular Biology

Drosophila melanogaster: Practical Uses in Cell and Molecular Biology

Leslie Wilson | Paul T. Matsudaira | Lawrence S.B. Goldstein | Eric A. Fyrberg



Drosophila melanogaster: Practical Uses in Cell and Molecular Biology is a compendium of mostly short technical chapters designed to provide state-of-the art methods to the broad community of cell biologists, and to put molecular and cell biological studies of flies into perspective. The book makes the baroque aspects of genetic nomenclature and procedure accessible to cell biologists. It also contains a wealth of technical information for beginning or advanced Drosophila workers. Chapters, written within a year of publication, make this topical volume a valuable laboratory guide today and an excellent general reference for the future.
Key Features
* Collection of ready-to-use, state-of-the art methods for modern cell biological and related research using Drosophila melanogaster
* Accessible to both experienced Drosophila researchers and to others who wish to join in at the cutting edge of this system
* Drosophila offers an easily managed life cycle, inexpensive lifestyle, extraordinarily manipulable molecular and classical genetics, now combined with powerful new cell biology techniques
* Introduction and overview sections orient the user to the Drosophila literature and lore
* Six full-color plates and over 100 figures and tables enhance the understanding of these cell biology techniques
"Overall, Practical Uses will be an important addition to the laboratory shelves of many experienced or novice Drosophila worker... The collegiality of the Drosophila community is well know, and Practical Uses is an excellent example of that sharing."
"It's surprising how much information has been crammed into each precise and concise chapter... Mark the appropriate pages and hand your PhD students this book, then not only will they learn why they're using specific techniques, but they may also find out how they work as well... The list of authors reads like a who's who of prominent drosophilists, and the speed of publication justifies their claim of providing up-to-date techniques... If you're a full-time drosophilist you should have bought it already."