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Advances in Marine Biology

Advances in Marine Biology

John H S Blaxter | Alan J. Southward



Volume 26 of this important series will be of particular interest to fish biologists. Haug's review of Atlantic halibut presents a complete summary of this important species both as a subject of a pelagic fishery and a developing aquaculture industry. Kjorsvik and his colleagues focus on the importance of egg quality for the mass production of fish fry. They point to a number of characters that may be indicative of egg quality and which may help to assess their likelihood of producing good fry.****Neilson and Perry review the studies of diel movements in fish and conclude that they are often facultative in nature. The implications for fish sampling are discussed.****Finally, Burd and Nemec examine the development of practical approaches towards the methods of analyzing benthic infauna, pointing out the assumptions and limitations of each.
Each of these reviews is complete within its topic.