WISC-IV Clinical Use and Interpretation
Aurelio Prifitera | Donald H. Saklofske | Lawrence G. Weiss
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Book Details
WISC-IV Clinical Use and Interpretation provides comprehensive information on using and interpreting the WISC-IV for clinical assessment and diagnosis. With chapters authored by recognized experts in intelligence research, test development, and assessment, this will be a valuable resource to anyone using the WISC-IV in practice. This information is available nowhere else and is a unique opportunity to understand the WISC-IV from the perspective of those who know it best. Most relevant to practitioners is the applied focus and interpretation of the WISC-IV in psychological and psychoeducational assessment.
Divided into two sections, Section I discusses general advances in the assessment of children's intelligence, and how the WISC-IV differs from the WISC-III. Also discussed are the clinical considerations of this test, including the meaning of the FSIQ and four Index scores and how the WISC-IV relates to other assessment measures, including the WISC-IV Integrated. Section II discusses the use of WISC-IV with exceptional children, including those with learning disabilities, giftedness, mental retardation, hearing impairment, ADHD, neuropsychological injury, and/or cultural and ethnic differences.
* Written by leading experts
* Provides a comprehensive description of the WISC-IV from research to clinical practice
* Discusses WISC-IV use with exceptional children including LD, AD/HD, Gifted, Mental Retardation, Language Disabilities, Hearing Impaired, Head/Brain Injury, and Cultural and Ethnically Different Children
* Outlines integrated models of assessment of assessment that include the WISC-IV
* Provides case studies illustrating WISC-IV clinical use
* Contains additional validity data on WISC-IV not available elsewhere
* Practical and directly relevant to practitioners who use the WISC-IV
"I don't think there is any other book to compare with it on this topic."
"...those who are ready to take the next step in the understanding of the test's complexity and potential uses will expand their knowledge a great deal after reading the Prifitera et al. volume."