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Molecular Endocrinology

Molecular Endocrinology

Franklyn F. Bolander


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Book Details


Molecular Endocrinology, Third Edition summarizes the area and provides an in-depth discussion of the molecular aspects of hormone action, including hormone-receptor interactions, second messenger generation, gene induction, and post-transcriptional control. Thoroughly revised and updated, the Third Edition includes new information on growth factors hematopoietic-immune factors, nonclassical hormones, receptors, transduction, transcriptional regulation, as well as other relevant topics. Incorporating an abundance of new information, this text retains the self-contained, focused, and easily readable style of the Second Edition.

  • Includes discussion of recently characterized hormones
  • Recent advances in understanding chromatin remodeling are highlighted in this edition
  • Incorporates over 80 tables and 140 figures to beautifully illustrate recent biomedical advances

"For clinicians, this third edition of Molecular Endocrinology aids the comprehension of basic mechanisms that underlie clinical syndromes and diseases. For researchers, it provides a description of basic concepts that will benefit scientists from several fields, such as endocrinology, physiology and cell biology. This book will also constitute a valuable resource for medical and graduate students."
TRENDS in Endocrinology and Metabolism, Vol. 16 No. 5, July 2005