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Best Practices for Environmental Project Teams

Best Practices for Environmental Project Teams

Stephen Massey



Government agencies tasked with managing environmental site cleanup strive to increase competition and decrease their environmental liabilities. Many utilize contracts that shift cost overrun risk to contractors. Cost-conscious contractors are transitioning more responsibility to project managers, with less budget and fewer staff to execute project support functions previously provided by company resource organizations.

Now many project managers feel like they’re managing their own small business--completely in charge of their destiny. This has led to the ruin of many projects and even the demise of a few proud companies. Best Practices for Environmental Project Teams provides project managers and their teams, Government managers, and regulatory agencies with action-oriented guidelines for executing 9 essential business competencies.

  • Understand your Government Client Business Model
  • Implement a Flexible Environmental Quality Management System
  • Develop and Utilize User-Friendly Project Websites
  • Develop Superior Proposals
  • Develop Superior Project Work Plans
  • Implement More Rigorous Scope Management Tools
  • Effectively Control Field Work
  • Utilize Cause Analysis to Generate Solutions
  • Design User-Friendly Work Processes for Project Teams