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Bebop to the Boolean Boogie

Bebop to the Boolean Boogie

Clive Maxfield



This entertaining and readable book provides a solid, comprehensive introduction to contemporary electronics. It's not a "how-to-do" electronics book, but rather an in-depth explanation of how today's integrated circuits work, how they are designed and manufactured, and how they are put together into powerful and sophisticated electronic systems. In addition to the technical details, it's packed with practical information of interest and use to engineers and support personnel in the electronics industry. It even tells how to pronounce the alphabet soup of acronyms that runs rampant in the industry.

  • Written in conversational, fun style that has generated a strong following for the author and sales of over 14,000 copies for the first two editions
  • The Third Edition is even bigger and better, with lots of new material, illustrations, and an expanded glossary
  • Ideal for training incoming engineers and technicians, and for people in marketing or other related fields or anyone else who needs to familiarize themselves with electronics terms and technology

Every so often a technical book comes along that sets a standard for others to follow; two previous books that come immediately to mind are Foundations of Wireless and Electronics by M.G. Scroggie and The Art of Electronics by Horowitz and Hill, both of which have run to a number of editions (Scroggie was first published in 1936!). We believe two more technical books are about to line up alongside the all-time greats and both of these are Bebop books. We are sure you will discover that the article Alternative and Future Technologies is informative and easy to read. Maxs style helps things along tremendously and you will find you have absorbed masses of technical information almost without conscious effort.
Everyday Practical Electronics
Maxfield literally takes the digital bull by the horns. We are treated to explanations of Boolean algebra, transistor switches, an introduction to logic and memory circuits--even customer-designed (application specific) integrated circuits-delivered in a lively style with well-thought-out illustrations and indexes. For those of use who love electronics--love finding out how things work--Bebop to the Boolean Boogie is a must-have reference.
Stephan Ohr, contributing editor to Computer Design
This is a dangerous book. . . . Not only do you stand a chance of learning something from it, but ten years from now you will still remember it!
Pete Waddell, editor, Printed Circuit Design
When you turn on everyday electronic appliances and computers, theres an electron dance that goes on inside. Maxs book can help you hear and understand the music and learn the steps. Read this book and youll have a greater appreciation of how things work (or, how they should work), and you may even pick up some Karnaugh knowledge along the way!
Brian Moran, Manager of Technical Evangelism, Microsoft
Lives up to its title as a useful and entertaining technical guide . . . well suited for students, technical writers, technicians, and sales and marketing people.
Electronic Design
If you want to be reminded of the joy of electronics, take a look at Clive (Max) Maxfields book Bebop to the Boolean Boogie.
Computer Design
Writing a book like this one requires audacity! . . . Maxfield writes lucidly on a variety of complex topics without writing down to his audience.
Bebop covers all the basics, from the history of number systems (much more interesting than the tiresome number system discussions found in all elementary texts), to basic logic design, PALs, and even PC-board issues. EDN