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Book Details
The op amp IC has become the universal analog IC because it can perform all analog tasks. OP AMPS FOR EVERYONE provides the theoretical tools and practical know-how to get the most from these versatile devices. This new edition substantially updates coverage for low-speed and high-speed applications, and provides step by step walkthroughs for design and selection of op amps and circuits.
* Modular organization allows readers, based on their own background and level of experience, to start at any chapter
* written by experts at Texas Instruments and based on real op amps and circuit designs from TI
* NEW: large number of new cases for single supply op amp design techniques, including use of web-based design tool
* NEW: complete design walk-through for low-speed precision op amp selection and circuit design
* NEW: updates, including new techniques, for design for high-speed, low distortion applications.
* NEW: extensive new material on filters and filter design, including high-speed filtering for video and data
... the book takes a different approach from the traditional textbook treatment of op amp theory in that the book is based on real-world op amps and their applications. The material in this book is applicable to op amp ICs from all manufacturers. - EDACafe.com