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Recent Advances in Zeolite Science

Recent Advances in Zeolite Science

J. Klinowski | P.J. Barrie


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Interest in zeolites continues to grow, making it vital to keep up to date with recent findings. These proceedings include some of the latest discoveries in the zeolite field. Four plenary lectures provide in-depth coverage of key topics, namely the influence of diffusion on catalysis, recent advances in synthesis, modification of zeolites by alumination, and quantum chemical studies of acidity. These are followed by nineteen papers written by contributors from all over the world covering a wide range of material of current interest. Several synthetic studies are presented, including the introduction of heteroatoms to induce higher catalytic acidity. Acidity and catalysis are probed by solid-state NMR and discussed through theoretical calculations. Two papers are concerned with the growing interest in using zeolites to catalyze shape-selective organic reactions. There are specific studies of zeolite characterization by NMR and electron energy loss spectroscopy. There are also a number of quantum chemical papers on zeolite stability and on the location of adsorbed species.
The material presented is particularly up-to-date and will be of considerable interest to all research groups involved in zeolite sciences.