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Opportunistic Protozoa in Humans

Opportunistic Protozoa in Humans

John R. Baker | Ralph Muller | David Rollinson | Saul Tzipori


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Due to the advent of AIDS, there is currently great interest in opportunistic infections in people with compromised immune systems. This special volume of Advances in Parasitology provides a detailed account ofthe pathogens associated with human enteric diseases, Cryptosporidium parvum, Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Cyclospora cayetanensis. This volume is essential for all parasitologists working on opportunistic protozoa.
"One is struck by the quality and scholarship of the various chapters and the obviously efficient editing."
"The policy of the editors of Advances in Parasitology to include reviews from any aspect of parasitology and the high standard of individual papers have resulted in this series of volumes becoming an indispensable source for students, teachers, and research workers."