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The SV40 Replicon Model for Analysis of Anticancer Drugs

The SV40 Replicon Model for Analysis of Anticancer Drugs

Robert M. Snapka


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This book provides the most up-to-date review of the simian virus 40 (SV40) minichromosome as a model for the mammalian chromosome in studies of DNA replication. It focuses on disruption of DNA replication by anticancer drugs and DNA-damaging agents. There is a strong emphasis on the unique advantages of SV40 as an experimental system for the analysis of these classes of anticancer drug mechanisms. The new high-resolution gel electrophoresis methods for the analysis of SV40 DNA replication are covered in detail to aid readers in designing and interpreting similar experiments.

  • Presents unique advantages of SV40 as an experimental system for the study of classes of anticancer drugs
  • Details new high-resolution gel electrophoresis methods for the analysis of SV40 DNA replication
  • Provides details to help the reader design and interpret similar experiments