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Organization Theory and Postmodern Thought:

Organization Theory and Postmodern Thought:

Stephen Linstead


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Book Details


Despite questions over whether we are 'past postmodernism', much debate continues over the potential of postmodern philosophy for organizational theory. Hitherto, there has been no single source which reviews in a thorough and scholarly fashion the work of the major postmodern theorists and assesses their contribution to transforming organization theory. This book fills that gap.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
1. The challenges of cross-cultural training and how to respond
2. Understanding other cultures
3. Making your training work
4. Practical techniques for training cross-culturally
5. Planning and delivering cross-cultural online training
6. Cross-cultural financial training
7. Training in specific countries (Bangladesh; Cambodia; Ethiopia; Ghana; India; Jordan; Kenya; Pakistan; UK; Zambia)
8. Examples of cross-cultural training
9. Training cross-culturally - frequently asked questions
10. Toolkits (Introductory activities; Energizing activities; Concluding activities)
11. Published and online resources