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Forensic Dental Evidence

Forensic Dental Evidence

C. Michael Bowers


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Book Details


This handbook is written for police investigators and forensic personnel who are tasked with developing investigations that require expertise in dentistry. The focus is providing the information necessary to recognize and professionally manage dental evidence. Investigators will understand the scientific nomenclature, scientific issues and the specialized forensic nature of this type of forensic investigation. The emphasis is on human identification from dental structures, the identification of people from bite marks, and the signs and significance of dental injuries present in violent crime.
Law enforcement personnel, coroners, and other death investigators often encounter crime scenes and victims that require dental expertise. Attorneys are asked to present dental evidence in court. This book delivers the backbone information for these individuals to better assess their needs in both casework and litigation. Forensic Dentistry contains numerous photographs of crime scene evidence and bite marks on victims and details for the reader the types of dental evidence and what is expected regarding collection, documentation, and the capabilities of analytical methods. This book is the first of its kind to present essential information to the field investigator in a format that allows easy reference and comprehensive detail.
* Contains previously unavailable information on digital photography and dental evidence
* Includes dozens of photos that illustrate the proper collection and preservation of evidence
* Provides desperately needed and essential information necessary to recognize, and professionally manage dental evidence
“ ... attractive format and lay-out, offers the reader a detailed and updated overview of the modern methods employed in forensic odontology.”
— Newsletter of the International Organization for Forensic Odonto-Stomatology
“…offers a number of concrete examples of investigations, where forensic medicine played a determining role.”
— Newsletter of the International Organization for Forensic Odonto-Stomatology
“…highly recommend this book for library additions in any Medical Examiner’s office, police department, forensic nursing station, law office…”
— Bryan Chrz D.D.S., Past President American Board of Forensic Odontology, Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
“…book’s title is perhaps the best review possible for this wonderful text. …will show the complete scope of forensic odontology...”
— Bryan Chrz D.D.S., Past President American Board of Forensic Odontology, Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
“This book is one of the most informative and interesting textbooks I have read.”
— Crime Watch Canada
“It eases the reader into the subject of forensic dentistry and provides clear well organized explanations…”
— Crime Watch Canada
“The photographs in this book are impressive to say the least.”
— Crime Watch Canada
I believe that this book should be required reading for all students of forensics.”
— Crime Watch Canada
“ does provide an excellent overview on this topic. This title is recommended for health sciences libraries.”
— E-Streams, Vol. 8, No. 3, March 2005
“He had quite a unique resume: He went to law school and he is a dentist. It’s a combination you don’t run into much. It gives him a feel for the legal process that most others in the medical profession don’t have.”
— Mike Frawley, Ventura County Chief Deputy District Attorney