From Molecules to Networks
Ruth Heidelberger | M. Neal Waxham | John H. Byrne | James L. Roberts
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Book Details
An understanding of the nervous system at virtually any level of analysis requires an understanding of its basic building block, the neuron. This book provides the solid foundation of the morphological, biochemical, and biophysical properties of nerve cells that is needed by advanced undergraduates and graduate students, as well as researchers in need of a thorough reference.
* Highly referenced for readers to pursue topics of interest in greater detail
* Unique coverage of the application of mathematical modeling and simulation approaches not found in other textbooks
* Richly illustrated, four color presentation throughout
* Includes CD-ROM of all of the illustrations
"From Molecules to Networks: An Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience, represents a wonderfully new and highly valuable addition to the books currently available for students and practicing scientists. The book, in its unique and creative treatment of quantitative aspects of neurobiology, fills a much-needed gap."
--Eric R. Kandel, University Professor of Physiology and Psychiatry at the Center for Neurobiology and Behavior of the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
"The Byrne-Roberts volume is an immensely valuable contribution to those of us who teach molecular-cellular neuroscience. It combines rigor in conveying the most up-to-date advances in the field along with simplicity and lucidity of presentation. The illustrations are particularly well done and immensely useful in clarifying complex processes for students."
--Solomon H. Snyder, Professor and Director, Department of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
"This elegant, beautifully illustrated and up to date book addresses the main themes of neuroscience at a robust and thorough level. A must for anyone wishing a well referenced no nonsense introduction to this important field of contemporary science."
--Rodolfo Llinas, Chairman and Thomas & Suzanne Murphy Professor of Neuroscience, New York University School of Medicine, Dept. of Physiology & Neuroscience
"Byrne and Roberts have put together an authoritative and beautifully produced survey of modern cellular and molecular neuroscience. The writing is clear, and the various chapters are authored by leaders in the field. A must for every neuroscientist's bookshelf."
--Charles F. Stevens, Professor and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator at the Salk Institute
"...this is an excellent book that has succeeded in its primary mission: to convey our understanding of the basic information regarding cellular and molecular biology of the nerve cell, offering an excellent compilation of high-standard reviews. For graduate and advanced undergraduate students, as well as for neuroscience teachers, this is a worthwhile read. Actually, it should be considered as a primary text for a variety of courses."
--Rafael Lujan in JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL NEUROANATOMY (February 2005)
“...a superbly organized and presented college-level instructional text...a most welcome addition to neuroscience reference shelves.