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Prion Proteins

Prion Proteins

Byron Caughey


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Prion Proteins is "issue-oriented" and edited by a well-known authority in the field. Topics covered include structure, diversity, and energetics as well as the diseases associated with prion proteins.
"...all thinkable aspects of prion-protein biochemistry are dissected, largely by the field's best experts. ...I enjoyed the book, and have learned quite a few things about modern methods of protein analysis. Investigators with a background in protein chemistry who wish to enter the prion field, as well as prionologists who desire to deepen their knowledge of prion biophysics, will find many aspects of this book stimulating and informative."
--Adriano Aguzzi, Institute of Neuropathology, University Hospital of Zurich, in NATURE CELL BIOLOGY (March 2002)
"This appears to be the first comprehensive review of various aspects of prion biochemistry/biology. As such, it is a welcome addition."
--Eugene A. Davidson in DOODY'S PUBLISHING (October 2001)