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An Introduction to Atmospheric Radiation

An Introduction to Atmospheric Radiation

K. N. Liou


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This Second Edition of An Introduction to Atmospheric Radiation has been extensively revised to address the fundamental study and quantitative measurement of the interactions of solar and terrestrial radiation with molecules, aerosols, and cloud particles in planetary atmospheres. It contains 70% new material, much of it stemming from the investigation of the atmospheric greenhouse effects of external radiative perturbations in climate systems, and the development of methodologies for inferring atmospheric and surface parameters by means of remote sensing. Liou's comprehensive treatment of the fundamentals of atmospheric radiation was developed for students, academics, and researchers in atmospheric sciences, remote sensing, and climate modeling.

  • Balanced treatment of fundamentals and applications
  • Includes over 170 illustrations to complement the concise description of each subject
  • Numerous examples and hands-on exercises at the end of each chapter

"Overall, I highly recommend this new edition, not only to students and instructors, but also to any researchers involved in atmospheric radiation."
-Alexander Marshak, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
"Liou's book is broad and rigorous. It covers the topics well from fundamental principles to applications."
-Yuk L. Yung, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
"The First Edition of this book has become a standard (advanced) text for graduate students and researchers working in the area of atmospheric radiative transfer ...Professor Liou has a leading international standing in studies of the interaction of solar radiation with the Earth's atmosphere and his book reflects his expertise in that area."
- Joanna Haigh, Space and Atmospheric Physics, The Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, London, UK