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Book Details
High-Rise Security and Fire Life Safety, 3e, is a comprehensive reference for managing security and fire life safety operations within high-rise buildings. It spells out the unique characteristics of skyscrapers from a security and fire life safety perspective, details the type of security and life safety systems commonly found in them, outlines how to conduct risk assessments, and explains security policies and procedures designed to protect life and property. Craighead also provides guidelines for managing security and life safety functions, including the development of response plans for building emergencies. This latest edition clearly separates out the different types of skyscrapers, from office buildings to hotels to condominiums to mixed-use buildings, and explains how different patterns of use and types of tenancy impact building security and life safety.
- Differentiates security and fire life safety issues specific to: Office towers; Hotels; Residential and apartment buildings; Mixed-use buildings
- Updated fire and life safety standards and guidelines
- Includes a CD-ROM with electronic versions of sample survey checklists, a sample building emergency management plan, and other security and fire life safety resources
"High-Rise Security and Fire Life Safety is the book to have on your desk. With all the information out there, this is the practical, day-to-day compendium for all your security and life safety concerns."
—Jesse E. Peterman, Director of Security, Empire State Building, New York City, 2003
"This well-edited book will serve as a reliable reference to all high-rise practitioners of fire/life safety, building operations, and security, from the front-line worker to the corporate executive. Its lively writing style is an added bonus for readers used to leaden prose in books of this type."
—Robert X. McInerney, CPP, president of Robert X. McInerney Associates, Inc., Security Management, July 1996
"To survive and succeed in our ever-changing environment, security professionals must not only read, but apply the principles detailed in the second edition of High-Rise Security and Fire Life Safety. It truly is a must read for people who are charged with maintaining a safe and secure high-rise workplace."
—Carlos Villarreal, Director of Security, Sears Tower, Trizec Properties, Inc., Chicago; Chairman, ASIS International Commercial Real Estate Council, Chicago, Illinois, 2003
"Highly acclaimed in its first edition, the update of Geoff Craighead's High-Rise Security and Fire Life Safety manages to outdo the original...It's destined to be a bible to building security professionals, an in-depth overview for other security professionals, and an engaging read for laypersons. This exceptional guide to the industry thoroughly addressess all relevant areas of security and life safety for high-rise buildings, exactly as the title promises."
—Gina Arbeau, CPO, CSS, human resources manager for Group 4 Falck and former coordinator of security and life safety for Gulf Canada Square, Canada, Security Management, July 2005
"Outstanding book. Tons of facts and graphs. Some of the best historical information that I have seen in a book in yaers. Extensive research utilized as well as many great references used throughout the book."
—Mark H. Beaudry, CPP, author of Contemporary Lodging Security
"The third edition of High-Rise Security and Fire Life Safety is extraordinarily thorough. It is not possible to think of an issue relating to high-rise building security that has not been covered."
—Dennis O. Challinger, Fellow of the Criminology Department, University of Melbourne, Australia; author of From the Ground Up: Security for Tall Buildings