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Molecular Characterization and Analysis of Polymers

Molecular Characterization and Analysis of Polymers

John M. Chalmers | Robert J. Meier



Written by expert contributors from the academic and industrial sectors, this book presents traditional and modern approaches to polymer characterization and analysis. The emphasis is on pragmatics, problem solving and property determination; real-world applications provide a context for key concepts. The characterizations focus on organic polymer and polymer product microstructure and composition.

  • Approaches molecular characterization and analysis of polymers from the viewpoint of problem-solving and polymer property characterization, rather than from a technique championing approach
  • Focuses on providing a means to ascertaining the optimum approach or technique(s) to solve a problem/measure a property, and thereby develop an analytical competence in the molecular characterization and analysis of real-world polymer products
  • Provides background on polymer chemistry and microstructure, discussions of polymer chain, morphology, degradation, and product failure and additive analysis, and considers the supporting roles of modeling and high-throughput analysis