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Book Details
Circular dichroism is a special technique which provides unique information on dissymmetric molecules. Such compounds are becoming increasingly important in a wide variety of fields, such as natural products chemistry, pharmaceutics, molecular biology, etc. The content of this book has been selected in order to feature the unique aspects of circular dichroism, and how these strengths can be of assistance to workers in the field.
Substantial discussions have been provided regarding the particular phenomena associated with dissymmetric compounds which give rise to the circular dichroism effect. Reviews are also given of the type of instrumentation available for the measurement of these effects. A number of chapters cover the wide range of applications illustrating the power of the method. Owing to its broad appeal, the book will be of interest to workers in all areas of chemistry and pharmaceutical science.
...is an extremely useful book that should be on the shelf of everyone involved in CD spectroscopy.
Trends in Analytical Chemistry