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Evaporites, Petroleum and Mineral Resources

Evaporites, Petroleum and Mineral Resources

J.L. Melvin


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This volume illustrates the expanding knowledge of evaporites as important reservoir seals, fluid aquitards, ore-hosting sediments, and economically viable sediments in their own right. Researchers, oil and gas professionals, minerals resource professionals, environmental specialists and others within geology and the other earth sciences shall utilize the information within this book in their understanding of the many recent discoveries and concepts involved in the field of evaporite sedimentology.
R.J. Spencer
Evaporites, Petroleum and Mineral Resources" is a good book for information on sedimentologic and petrographic aspects of evaporites, and I recommend it to anyone working with evaporite sediments... "Depositional Environments of Non-Marine Evaporites" are covered by Joseph Smoot and Tim Lowenstein in chapter 3. This is an extensive compilation of material not covered in any of the other books on evaporites and a topic difficult to find in the literature. There are numerous examples of modern and ancient non-marine evaporites and summary tables of occurrences. The extensive reference list compiled for this chapter is also a plus, and a necessity for anyone working on non-marine evaporites.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
... a valuable overview of a relatively new specialization which, with the extensive case studies and the substantial reference lists, together provide a starting point for local research programmes.
Australian Mineral Foundation Journal; ERISTAT
A.C. Kendall
... I recommend this book; some chapters are essential reading or reference sources for those interpreting evaporites, and others form useful introductions to their topics.
Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
...a timely book that does the editor and the authors credit and should not be missed by libraries of institutions, ore and oil companies and by some specialist readers.
Geologie en Mijnbouw
I enjoyed reading this excellent, well written, clear and concise text with its emphasis on the depositional and diagenetic setting of evaporites.
Sedimentary Geology
The volume meets the practical objective of assisting exploration geologists find orebodies.
Australian Mineral Foundation