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Characterization and Control of Odours and VOC in the Process Industries

Characterization and Control of Odours and VOC in the Process Industries

S. Vigneron | J. Hermia | J. Chaouki



The purpose of the symposium was to present recent advances in characterization and control of odour and volatile organic compound emissions in the atmosphere, and to contribute to the state-of-the-art of measurement and sampling tools, impact prediction methods and abatement techniques. Topics covered were:

Legislative aspects

Emission characterization

Abatement technologies, both recuperative and destructive and

Reduction methods.

Apart from the global problems of climate, all aspects relating to the workplace environment and official regulations were discussed.
...the wealth of data from experts in the field make it worth having at hand.
Environmental Engineering
...a very good mirror of developments in odour and VOC characterisation and control within Europe.
Chemistry and Industry