Kinetic Models of Catalytic Reactions
G.S. Yablonskii | V.I. Bykov | V.I. Elokhin | A.N. Gorban
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This book has been written by a group of mathematicians and chemists whose common interest is in the complex dynamics of catalytic reactions. Based on developments in mathematical chemistry, a general theory is described that allows the investigation of the relationships between the kinetic characteristics of complex reactions and their detailed reaction mechanism. Furthermore, a comprehensive analysis is made of some typical mechanism of catalytic reactions, in particular for the oxidation of carbon monoxide on platinum metals.
In fact, the book presents three kinetics: (a) detailed, oriented to the elucidation of a detailed reaction mechanism according to its kinetic laws; (b) applied, with the aim of obtaining kinetic relationships for the further design of chemical reactors; and (c) mathematical kinetics whose purpose is the analysis of mathematical models for heterogeneous catalytic reactions taking place under steady- or unsteady-state conditions.
...can be recommended highly. A major strength is that it will bring chemistry to chemical reaction engineers, and it will bring mathematical analysis to catalytic chemists. It could be effectively used as a text in a graduate course on chemical reaction engineering in a chemical engineering curriculum.
Journal of the American Chemical Society