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Carbonate Diagenesis and Porosity

Carbonate Diagenesis and Porosity

C.H. Moore


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Carbonate diagenesis is a subject of enormous complexity because of the basic chemical reactivity of carbonate minerals. These carbonate minerals react quickly with natural waters that either dissolve the carbonates, or precipitate new carbonates to bring the water into equilibrium with the host carbonate sediments and rocks. These rock-water interactions either create porosity by dissolution, or destroy porosity by the precipitation of carbonate cements into pore spaces. Carbonate Diagenesis and Porosity examines these important relationships in detail.

This volume is published in co-operation with OGCI, and is based on training courses organised by OGCI and taught by Dr. Moore. It is intended to give the working geologist and university graduate student a reasonable overview of carbonate diagenesis and its influence on the evolution of carbonate porosity. It starts with a discussion of the major differences between carbonates and siliciclastics so that the novice will have an appreciation of the basic nature of the carbonate system. Carbonate porosity, its nature and its classification is then discussed so that the relationship between diagenesis and porosity can be established. Environments of diagenesis and their characteristics are outlined, stressing the nature of pore fluids found in each environment. Tools for the recognition of these environments are then discussed with stress on the constraints suffered by each technique. Each major diagenetic environment is then discussed in detail with petrographic, geochemical characteristics outlined, and an in depth discussion of the impact of the environment's diagenetic processes on porosity development and evolution. Diagenetic models are developed where appropriate and criteria for recognition listed. Case histories illustrating these concepts and models are presented for each major diagenetic environment and sub-environment.

Over 160 line drawings illustrate the book. Petrographic characteristics of porosity and diagenetic fabrics and textures are illustrated using numerous photomicrographs taken specifically for the book by the author. The book has been extensively indexed, and includes a large, current reference section.

This book should be useful to any geologist interested in, or working with, carbonate sediments and rocks. It will be particularly useful to the industrial geologist concerned with the exploration or exploitation of hydrocarbons from carbonate rock sequences where an understanding of porosity development, evolution, and prediction are important. In addition, this book will be a good text for advanced carbonate courses at graduate level, and an appropriate reference book for graduate students working in, or interested in, carbonate rock sequences and sediments.
This book combines solid research, scientific reporting, and relevance - all based on the work, experience, lecturing to students, and courses presented to industry by the author.
It is useful not only to the graduate student attending classes in carbonate rocks and to the carbonate specialist, but also to non-specialists dealing with carbonates, either for geological or engineering reasons. The well-organized text, abundant line drawings and limited number of photomicrographs result in a book easier to follow than many well-illustrated texts that confuse the non-specialist.
Geo-Marine Letters
D. Joe Benson, University of Alabama, USA
For the past five to ten years, geologists seeking a general description of diagenesis of carbonate rocks have found a void in the literature...The book (Carbonate Diagenesis and Porosity) by Clyde H. Moore may finally have filled the void.
The focus of the book is on diagenesis as it relates to modification of carbonate porosity, but the presentation provides an excellent description of carbonate diagenesis in general.
The book does contain over 440 references for the individual interested in further background or specifics on any of the topics covered in the book. Also included is a comprehensive index that should be a great aid to those using it as a reference work. The book is well edited and well produced. A major plus to the book is the clear, concise writing style.
(Carbonate Porosity and Diagenesis) is an excellent addition to the literature on carbonate diagenesis. It is the only book available to provide comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of carbonate diagenesis and should become the new "standard reference" for the topic.
AAPG Bulletin
Dr. Moore has assembled a reference text on carbonate diagenesis, with emphasis on porosity evolution, that is an excellent summary of and addition to an already vast literature on this subject. His book promises to be widely referenced and almost certainly will quickly become a bible in its own right.
Carbonates & Evaporites
G.R. Orme
The work is lucidly presented in a style making it a pleasure to read, and its extensive bibliography ensures that it will be an important source book for the student who wishes to research specialised aspects of the subject.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
...a very useful introduction to the topic of carbonate diagenesis for students (at the post-graduate level) and to oil industry geologists.
Marine Geology