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Water Hammer in Pipe-Line Systems

Water Hammer in Pipe-Line Systems

J. Záruba


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The physical principles of water hammer are explained in this volume. The basic mathematical methods of solution of water hammer and ways of limiting its effects are covered. Detailed description is given of the method of characteristics and the corresponding programs for personal computers, which enables solution of water hammer in a wide variety of hydraulic systems encountered in practice. Examples are given of solution of water hammer of common pipe-line systems as well as calculation of the steady state of flow, the determination of discharge through a pipe-line, measurements of characteristics of valves, pumps, turbines, determination of the operating régime of a valve in order to ensure a desired pressure and discharge curve, etc. This book will be of interest to those civil, mechanical and petroleum engineers dealing with the design and operation of hydraulic systems.
...there is considerable detail of the various boundary conditions that may be imposed on the basic pipe flow. But the main feature of the book is in the very detailed description of how to use the basic water hammer (WTHM) program which is available on a diskette, suitable for use with a PC, together with input data files for the examples described in the text. This book is obviously a useful tool for engineers concerned with practical problems of unsteady flow in water-pipe systems of great complexity.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics