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Approximation Problems in Analysis and Probability

Approximation Problems in Analysis and Probability

M.P. Heble


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This is an exposition of some special results on analytic or C-approximation of functions in the strong sense, in finite- and infinite-dimensional spaces. It starts with H. Whitney's theorem on strong approximation by analytic functions in finite-dimensional spaces and ends with some recent results by the author on strong C-approximation of functions defined in a separable Hilbert space. The volume also contains some special results on approximation of stochastic processes. The results explained in the book have been obtained over a span of nearly five decades.
R.M. Aron
...its treatment of approximation in infinite-dimensional spaces provides a welcome, different approach which supplements the existing body of work in this field.
Mathematical Reviews
The author has made important contributions...
Zentralblatt für Mathematik