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Methods of Differential Geometry in Analytical Mechanics

Methods of Differential Geometry in Analytical Mechanics

M. de León | P.R. Rodrigues


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The differential geometric formulation of analytical mechanics not only offers a new insight into Mechanics, but also provides a more rigorous formulation of its physical content from a mathematical viewpoint.
Topics covered in this volume include differential forms, the differential geometry of tangent and cotangent bundles, almost tangent geometry, symplectic and pre-symplectic Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms, tensors and connections on manifolds, and geometrical aspects of variational and constraint theories.
The book may be considered as a self-contained text and only presupposes that readers are acquainted with linear and multilinear algebra as well as advanced calculus.
D.E. Betounes
I would assess this being fairly good and would recommend it for providing a nice compilation of much of the recent research in the area.
Mathematical Reviews