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Book Details
This monograph gives a systematic account of certain important topics pertaining to field theory, including the central ideas, basic results and fundamental methods.
Avoiding excessive technical detail, the book is intended for the student who has completed the equivalent of a standard first-year graduate algebra course. Thus it is assumed that the reader is familiar with basic ring-theoretic and group-theoretic concepts. A chapter on algebraic preliminaries is included, as well as a fairly large bibliography of works which are either directly relevant to the text or offer supplementary material of interest.
R. Massy
...well-written, should be useful to both students and specialists... makes a worthwhile contribution to the literature on field theory.
Mathematical Reviews
This book is intended for graduates familiar with basic ring- and group-theoretic concepts and gives a systematic account of important topics in field theory.
ASLIB Booklist
H. Mitsch
This is a very welcome monograph on certain topics in field theory written in a competent and rigorous style... The outstanding merit of the author lies in the ability to present the most interesting, important and deepest results in a coherent way. Thus the book will serve as a standard reference for all those who are interested in or are working on that part of algebra.
Monatshelfte fur Mathematik