Introduction to Zeolite Molecular Sieves
Jiri Cejka | Herman van Bekkum | A. Corma | F. Schueth
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Introduction to Zeolite Molecular Sieves, 3rd Edition presents a collection of the most important results and ideas in the field of molecular sieve chemistry and technology, the most important experimental techniques related to the research activities in molecular sieves, and identifies new areas of molecular sieve chemistry. Chapters start at a reasonably simple entry level, but also covers the present state-of-the-art in the field.
Topics covered include structure, synthesis, characterization, ion exchange, adsorption, diffusion, separations, and natural zeolites.
* 6 years since the last edtion this book brings together the rapid development within the field of molecular sieve chemistry and applications
* Accessible to newcomers to the field, also containing valuable information for experienced researchers
* 27 chapters written by renowned scientists in their field, including updates on some 2nd edition chapters