Integrated and Participatory Water Resources Management - Practice
Rodolfo Soncini-Sessa | Francesca Cellina | Francesca Pianosi | Enrico Weber
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A participatory and integrated procedure for the planning of water resources is presented and illustrated through its application to a real-world case study: the planning of a trans-boundary, multi-purpose, regulated lake. Methods and concepts from Hydrology, System Analysis, Optimal Control, Decision and Negotiation Theory are presented and framed in a comprehensive and coherent procedure for the efficient development of the decision-making process. Relevant theoretical and mathematical aspects are briefly presented for the non-expert reader, as well as all those practical details that are often omitted in texts, but that constitute the very essence of a project and make the difference between a successful project and a failure. The book provides practicing professionals, decision-makers and scientists with a complete, immediate example of application of the Integrated Water Resource Management paradigm.
- Complete development of a real world application of IWRM
- Integration of technical modelling and control aspects with participatory and decision-making issues