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Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry

Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry

Alan R. Katritzky


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Book Details


This volume includes the third, and final, part of a trilogy on acyclonucleosides by E.S.H. El Ashry and Y. El Kilany which began in Volume 67. This chapter covers tri-, tetra-, and penta- seco-nucleosides. These compounds are of considerable interest due to their relationship to newer anti AIDS drugs. Other chapters deal with the use of organohypervalent iodine reagents in the synthesis of organic compounds, a review of the conformational analysis of saturated 6-membered oxygen containing rings, comprising the oxanes, the various dioxanes, trioxanes, and tetroxanes, and heteropentalenes with fused imidazoles of 1,2,4-triazole rings.
Praise for the Series
"The typesetting, arrangement of references, and drafting of structural formulas adhere to the high standards of this series and provide a model for good publishing....The content is, as to be expected, excellent."