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Microsoft Forefront Security Administration Guide

Microsoft Forefront Security Administration Guide

Jesse Varsalone


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Microsoft Forefront is a comprehensive suite of security products that will provide companies with multiple layers of defense against threats. Computer and Network Security is a paramount issue for companies in the global marketplace. Businesses can no longer afford for their systems to go down because of viruses, malware, bugs, trojans, or other attacks. Running a Microsoft Forefront Suite within your environment brings many different benefits. Forefront allows you to achieve comprehensive, integrated, and simplified infrastructure security. This comprehensive suite of tools provides end-to-end security stretching from Web servers back to the desktop. This book will provide system administrators familiar with Syngress' existing Microsoft networking and security titles with a complete reference to Microsoft's flagship security products.
* First book to address securing an entire Microsoft network from Web servers all the way back to the desktop.
* Companion Web site provides best practices checklists for securing Microsoft operating systems, applications, servers, and databases.
* Companion Web site provides special chapter on designing and implementing a disaster recover plan for a Microsoft network.
Dragos Tudor, Windows Systems Engineer, Verizon
?Microsoft has become a new powerful player in the security industry with the release of Forefront. The comprehensive security suite will be an important tool for Network Administrators. A comprehensive book from a respected publisher is imperative so that Administrators can fully benefit from the product. My former Professor, Jesse Varsalone, will be able to detail how Microsoft Forefront Security can help Administrators.?
Kelly Brown, Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, Computer Science Corporation
?Microsoft Forefront is the newest in Microsoft's line of Security Offerings. Recently, Microsoft has become much more security conscious. A new publication that details the inner workings of Microsoft's Forefront Security suite so that network administrators can gauge it's usefulness in the Enterprise Environment. Jesse Varsalone is well versed in the area of Microsoft products and the advantages and disadvantages associated with them.?
Christina Luo, President,
?Microsoft Forefront is the newest component that can help IT Companies keep their Enterprise systems secure. In order for companies to utilize Microsoft Forefront properly, a book is needed from a publisher who is respected in the Security Industry. Jesse Varsalone, Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer Security, will be able to explain how companies can fully utilize the aspects of security Microsoft Forefront. Jesse will be able to explain the important components of how the product can be effectively utilized in the marketplace.?
Wally Barr, Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer
As an MCSE, I am interested in the newest offerings from Microsoft. I am interested to know how effective the newest security product, Microsoft Forefront will be useful Enterprise Environment. We need how-to guide on this new product from a reputable publisher. I am convinced that Jesse Varsalone a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer and Instructor at the Department of Defense Cyber Crime Center, will be able to explain how this security offering will be beneficial to companies who consider using Microsoft products as part of their security solutions
Randy Mika, Technical Support Manager
I have been working with Microsoft software and security products for a number of years. I have not worked with their newest security product, Microsoft Forefront, yet, but I am interested in the new features it has to offer. It would be ideal if there was a book that provided some step-by-step instruction on how to use this new product. The author of the book should be someone like Jesse Varsalone, who knows how to explain things in terms that are easy understand.