Soft Computing and Intelligent Data Analysis in Oil Exploration
M. Nikravesh | L.A. Zadeh | Fred Aminzadeh
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Book Details
This comprehensive book highlights soft computing and geostatistics applications in hydrocarbon exploration and production, combining practical and theoretical aspects.
It spans a wide spectrum of applications in the oil industry, crossing many discipline boundaries such as geophysics, geology, petrophysics and reservoir engineering. It is complemented by several tutorial chapters on fuzzy logic, neural networks and genetic algorithms and geostatistics to introduce these concepts to the uninitiated. The application areas include prediction of reservoir properties (porosity, sand thickness, lithology, fluid), seismic processing, seismic and bio stratigraphy, time lapse seismic and core analysis.
There is a good balance between introducing soft computing and geostatistics methodologies that are not routinely used in the petroleum industry and various applications areas. The book can be used by many practitioners such as processing geophysicists, seismic interpreters, geologists, reservoir engineers, petrophysicist, geostatistians, asset mangers and technology application professionals. It will also be of interest to academics to assess the importance of, and contribute to, R&D efforts in relevant areas.
P.H.H. Nelson
...I heartily congratulate them on the outstanding job they have done in putting this book together. ...of great value to all those in the petroleum industry who would advance oil- and gas-finding, and production, into the twenty-first century.
Petroleum Geoscience