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Book Details
This volume reviews the state of the art of thin film diamond, a very promising new semiconductor that may one day rival silicon as the material of choice for electronics. Diamond has the following important characteristics; it is resistant to radiation damage, chemically inert and biocompatible and it will become "the material" for bio-electronics, in-vivo applications, radiation detectors and high-frequency devices.
Thin-Film Diamond is the first book to summarize state of the art of CVD diamond in depth. It covers the most recent results regarding growth and structural properties, doping and defect characterization, hydrogen in and on diamond as well as surface properties in general, applications of diamond in electrochemistry, as detectors, and in surface acoustic wave devices.
· Accessible by both experts and non-experts in the field of semi-conductors research and technology, each chapter is written in a tutorial format
· Helping engineers to manufacture devices with optimized electronic properties
· Truly international, this volume contains chapters written by recognized experts representing academic and industrial institutions from Europe, Japan and the US
"The book is quite readable and is understandable by experts and novices. This book is an excellent reference or tutorial for anyone working in the field of diamond thin films"
C.E.Nebel and J.Ristein, Elsevier, Inc.,
Thin Film Diamond" Semiconductors and Semimetals