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Life Cycle of the Phosphoria Formation

Life Cycle of the Phosphoria Formation

J.R. Hein


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Geological, geoenvironmental, and resource studies were completed to study a world-class phosphate ore in the Western US Phosphate Field. This integrated, multi-agency, multidisciplinary research emphasized: (1) Geological and geochemical baseline characterization of the deposit and associated rocks, (2) Delineation, assessment, and spatial analysis of phosphate resources and lands disturbed by mining, (3) Contaminant residence, reaction pathways, and environmental fate associated with the occurrence, development, and use of phosphate rock, and (4) Depositional origin and evolution of the Phosphoria Formation and deposit and geoenvironmental modeling.
B. Lehmann
...compiles multidisciplinary information on a world-class ore province, and will be of interest to economic geologists, sedimentologists, geochemists, environmental geologists and biologists.
Mineralium Depostia