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Book Details
Following the collection of a sample, every analytical chemist will agree that its subsequent preservation and processing are of paramount importance. The availability of high performance analytical instrumentation has not diminished this need for careful selection of appropriate pretreatment methodologies, intelligently designed to synergistically elicit optimum function from these powerful measurement tools.
Sample Preparation for Trace Element Analysis is a modern, comprehensive treatise, providing an account of the state-of-the art on the subject matter. The book has been conceived and designed to satisfy the varied needs of the practicing analytical chemist. It is a multi-author work, reflecting the diverse expertise arising from its highly qualified contributors.
The first five chapters deal with general issues related to the determination of trace metals in varied matrices, such as sampling, contamination control, reference materials, calibration and detection techniques. The second part of the book deals with extraction and sampling technologies (totaling 15 chapters), providing theoretical and practical hints for the users on how to perform specific extractions. Subsequent chapters overview seven major representative matrices and the sample preparation involved in their characterization. This portion of the book is heavily based on the preceding chapters dealing with extraction technologies. The last ten chapters are dedicated to sample preparation for trace element speciation.
- First title to provide comprehensive sample preparation information, dealing specifically with the analysis of samples for trace elements.
- The 39 chapters are authored by international leaders of their fields.
"In summary, this book provides valuable information and means a vast effort to cope with modern sample preparation techniques for trace element analysis and speciation. The wide scope covered makes it recommendable to academics, routine, laboratories and organisation dealing with trace element analysis. There is no doubt that the editors have achieved a leading book in this field for many years to come."
Carlos Bendicho, University of Vigo, Spain, SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA, PART B, Vol.59, 2004
"In conclusion, this book gives an extensive review of the sample-preparation techniques that can be used for trace-element determination, with specific applications in some case studies. In addition, most chapters, give an extensive, recent bibliography on the subject. Despite its broad coverage, it is well organised, and would be very useful for scientists working in that field, expecially as there are numerous detailed applications."
Douglas N. Rutledge, Institut National Agronomique, Paris, France, TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 23, No. 5, 2004