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Book Details
Ultra wideband technology turns the radio spectrum available to wireless applications from a country road into a high-speed ten lane super freeway, and the destination is the future of wireless technology. UWB is a huge leap forward because it offers wide bandwidth with little interference, allowing multiple UWB signals to share a single channel. This multi-author volume, compiled under the guidance of Dr. Roberto Aiello, introduces the theory and concepts behind ultra wideband (UWB) systems as well as their applications. Authors include those involved in creating the UWB standards, researchers, and applications specialists.
This book has been broken down into three parts: introduction to UWB, different techniques available, and applications. Within these sections topics covered are UWB spectrum and regulations, UWB channels, modulation techniques, antennas, signal propagation, and UWB transceiver architectures. This book has all the information RF/wireless engineers will need to understand this burgeoning technology.
*An all-star list of contributors covers the subject more authoritatively than any single author could
*Discusses U.S. and international ultra wideband regulations
*Includes material on antenna systems and signal propagation at ultra wideband frequencies
"Books on ultra wideband UWB have been pretty scarce. This technology only just emerged from secrecy and obscurity in the late 1990s, and reference works are rare. This once highly classified technology has come out of the closet so to speak, but it has only been recently that some practical books have become available. I say practical meaning books the working engineer can use to design and build real systems without having to get a doctorate in EE. This is just such a book. With a copyright date of 2006, it is pretty current with technology, standards, and applications..." - Louis E. Frenzel, August 2006
It remains to be seen which techniques will be essential to UWB's success as developers " focus on simplifying use, streamlining costs, and staying ahead of advancing data rates," according to Aiello. This book serves as a good foundation on which developers can build.- Rick Nelson, Test & Measurement World, March 2007