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Book Details
Studies in Natural Products Chemistry: Bioactive Natural Products (Part I) contains articles written by leading authorities in their respective fields of research. It presents current frontiers and future guidelines for research based on important discoveries made in the field of bioactive natural products.
- Volume 28 is part of a great family of useful reference books
- Illustrates the types of critical discoveries that emerge from the interface of chemistry and biology
- Contributions are from well-respected authors
The volume is presented with the now characteristic quality for which the series is known, although quite naturally the style and organization of each of the chapters has its own unique formatting characteristics. There is a good mix of chemistry, structure elucidation, synthesis, and biology in the various chapters, thereby appealing to a diverse readership. The diagrams are clear and the writing excellent. In summary, this is another excellent volume in a very valuable series on natural products for which Professor Atta-ur-Rahman is to be congratulated. However, the volume should be an important and essential asset for those libraries supporting the efforts of natural product research groups."
Geoffrey A. Cordell, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA, PHYTOCHEMISTRY, Vol.65, 2004