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Book Details
More than ever, travelers are encountering a different sort of landscape, one not only of nature but of technology. Wind Power in View is the first authoritative discourse on the aesthetic impact of wind turbines on the landscape and what can be done about it. It is a detailed and thoroughly illustrated discussion of the issue from several different perspectives. The book also provides an overview of the status of wind energy at the dawn of the new millennium, examines some of the ongoing battles, and offers guidelines on minimizing its visual impact.
Taking examples from the United States, Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, and Sweden, Wind Power in View is the first book to tackle the thorny land use questions raised by wind energy's hard won respectability. What will be the future of wind energy? Will it be welcomed as savior, or will it be opposed as a new-age intrusion on open space and landscape preservation? These 11 essays, international in nature and written by objective experts, address landscape issues in creative, original ways.
International focus, with examples from Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, Sweden and the United States
The first book to tackle land use questions raised by wind energy's hard won respectability
Addresses landscape issues in creative, original ways
...this book provides valuable perspective for renewable energy advocates especially thos involved in contentious initiatives like the Cape Wind project in Massachusetts. The recommendations in this book will help wind power developers and proponents win the public over.
-- Book Review Digest May 2004
"Wind Power in View makes stimulating reading and definitely should be considered by any persons interested in the connections between wind machines with the natural and cultural landscapes. - Windmillers Gazette, Autumn 2003