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Natural History of Host-Parasite Interactions

Natural History of Host-Parasite Interactions

Joanne P. Webster


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This volume covers a wide range of systems, exemplified by a broad spectrum of micro- and macro-parasites, impacting humans, domestic and wild animals and plants. It illustrates the importance of evolutionary considerations and concepts, both as thinking tools for qualitative understanding or as guiding tools for decision making in major disease control programs.
* Brings together a range of articles from scientists from different fields of research and/or disease control, but with a common interest in studying the biology of a variety of parasitic diseases
* Evolutionary theory has an important role to play in both the interpretation of host and parasitic dynamics and the design and application of disease control programs
"One is struck by the quality and scholarship of the various chapters and the obviously efficient editing."
"The policy of the editors of Advances in Parasitology to include reviews from any aspect of parasitology and the high standard of individual papers have resulted in this series of volumes becoming an indispensable source for students, teachers, and research workers."